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Posted: 22 Mar 2008 05:15 PM CDT Did you ever think that you are not playing the role which you should play in your life? Don't you think that you are born to play a leading role, a much bigger role in the real drama of your life? What is holding you back then? Your own short sightedness! In order to play a bigger role in life you need to visualize a bigger picture of yourself. Once you have that picture before you, it will be much easier for you to paint that picture into reality. Every morning, I look in the mirror and say "I have to play a bigger role in life". These simple words make my day, a wonderful day, every day, because my firm determination that I have to play a bigger role in life, keeps my mind in supreme working condition, fully prepared for playing a bigger, bigger, and much bigger role in life. No surprise, my every day is getting better than yesterdays. Every night, before going to bed, I visualize that tomorrow is going to be better than today. And it happens! Yes, it happens!! While your body... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] |
About Sex - Ten Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex With A Man Posted: 22 Mar 2008 05:14 PM CDT You see a lot of articles about what men can do during sex to make it better for the woman, but there's a lot less information - and opinion - on the mistakes women make. So, to set the record straight, here's our list of ten things for women to avoid. 1 Expecting him to think like a woman We've all seen loads of books with titles like "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" which highlight an unfortunate difference between the sexes. Men and women don't think the same way - and while we're not going to get into why this happens, it's important to remember that fact when you're in a relationship. In general, men are not as romantic as women, they don't see romance as a necessary prelude to sex, and they can divorce sex from their feelings in a way that perhaps most women can't. So there will be plenty of times when a man wants sex even if he isn't feeling romantic and connected to his partner. For him, the physical... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] |
Using Sexual Energy In Our Daily Lives Posted: 22 Mar 2008 05:13 PM CDT We generally understand sexual energy as an emotional tension, usually followed by a pleasant euphoric sensation when released. But instead, imagine allowing this energy to spread throughout your entire body and absorbing it energetically through all your cells. When you are having sex, do you analyze what you are doing while in the middle of making love? I'm sure you have answered no! When children run around madly full of this vibrant pulsating energy, (that we experience as sex), it spreads through their entire body and they express it as joy instead. Hence they have not begun to interpret and analyze it with their mind. The child doesn't sit back and say, 'I'm tired now, I want to have a rest', during their play, as we do when sexual tension is released. What we really have here is simply energy with only our own labels added on. As soon as a person comes into maturity, this energy is polarized and hence sexual activity commences. It marks the beginning of the aging process... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] |
Posted: 22 Mar 2008 05:13 PM CDT It's a funny world we live in. The lives we lead are all so different, so unique. It amazes me how many different versions of 'the truth' or 'right' there can be from just one situation and several witnesses. It makes me realise that there is no truth, and no right or wrong. Just interpretation. Although I love this theory, I realise that it's a double edges sword, since I just loooove to be right. Sometimes I will battle to the death to prove my righteousness, only to be left with a lifeless corpse on my hands. It's relationship homicide. Unfortunately I often get this after I've killed them off, realising that the only thing I've really proved is that I'm a big fat jerk. When I'm fighting to be right and dismissing the other person's point of view, I'm actually loosing so much more. People will either resist me or sacrifice themselves in order to shut me up (they're still resisting in silence, by the way). Either way, I come off being a jerk. And in case you haven't noticed,... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] |
Anything is Possible! 5 Secrets to Changing Your Reality Posted: 22 Mar 2008 05:12 PM CDT Have you ever met someone who was a drama queen and totally controlled by unhappiness? Someone who reveled in their misery and became a psychic black hole? Their lives are miserable and complaining or blame is their only response. Negative energy is something we are all familiar with, but it isn't something we all have to live with. If you want to live a life full of joy, prosperity and laughter you just have to remember you have a choice. Life will always surprise you with challenges, but how you handle them is entirely up to you. Is the glass half full or half empty? Here are some not-so-secret secrets to creating your own reality that are very simple. Secret #1 Whip up a feeling of gratitude for all that you already have. You are richer than 80 percent of the inhabitants on the planet. In America we have been given an incredible opportunity to live a lifestyle most of the global community never gets to experience. Count your blessings, write them down and display them on... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] |